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AT Advocacy: A Parents’ Guide to Navigating Special Education Systems (Virtual)

Presented by: Kirsten M. Kohlmeyer, AT Director and Transition Specialist, Redwood Literacy and Schools

Parents are valued, yet can be underutilized members of the educational team. They have both a historical and future view, and are the only through line for students as they move through educational systems. Studies show that students with dyslexia who use AT have better educational outcomes and more post-secondary options. Studies also show that parent involvement in transition processes is key to successful outcomes. Yet, parents face a myriad of challenges in navigating special education systems to advocate for their students’ needs.

This interactive free session aims to provide participants with the tools to ask the “right” questions, and provide the “right” data to work collaboratively within educational frameworks and mindsets. An overview of the special education process, AT consideration and documentation in the IEP, efforts to improve consistent AT use across transitions and specific language and communication channels will be covered. Resources will be provided.

July 28

Legislative Lunch & Learn (Virtual Series)

October 20

Wilson Workshop: Fundations Level 3 Virtual Launch Workshop (Instructor-Led)