Legislative Efforts

Learn about our ongoing efforts to advocate for legislation that supports children with reading difficulties and ensures equitable access to effective reading interventions.

Everyone Reading Illinois has been actively advocating for legislative change in Illinois.

To further its mission, Everyone Reading Illinois has been actively advocating for the passage of legislation in Illinois that requires school districts to provide early screening and intervention for students with dyslexia and other reading challenges.

The negative consequences for children who fail to learn to read are well-documented and profound:

  • pervasive academic difficulties

  • higher high school dropout rates

  • lower lifetime earning

  • higher unemployment

  • mental health challenges

  • disproportionate imprisonment rates

Because early intervention is 4 times more effective than delayed intervention, waiting to intervene comes with too great of cost both in terms of its emotional toll on students and its financial impact on schools.

Other states have already passed similar legislation requiring schools to screen students and provide effective evidence-based instruction for students who struggle with foundational literacy skills.

Everyone Reading Illinois will continue to keep our members apprised of the status of this important legislation, so together we can work to secure its passage in Illinois.

Helpful Links

Dyslexia Fact Sheet

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