Join the Tutor and Diagnostician Referral List

Help families and individuals with dyslexia connect to the support they need by joining our statewide referral list for specialized tutors and diagnosticians.

Join Our Network of Specialized Dyslexia Tutors and Diagnosticians to Reach Those Seeking Support

Everyone Reading Illinois frequently receives calls and emails from parents and adults with dyslexia looking for referrals for tutors and diagnosticians. We maintain a list of tutors and diagnosticians located throughout the state. 

If you are a teacher, tutor, or therapist specially trained in using a multi-modal, structured literacy approach, or if you are an experienced diagnostician, we would love to add your name to our Referral List! 

Tutors and diagnosticians are grouped by county and the listings include specialty areas, as well as grade levels, as applicable. To be included on our Referral List, an application must be completed. All applications must be approved by our Board of Directors.

To submit an application, please click the link and follow the instructions on the form.


Tutor Referral
